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How do I work ( )

by Doreen
(Hampton, va)

My pattern reads: *k5 (3), m1. Rep from * around I know I’m working increases but the 3 in ( ) has thrown me off. Wouldn't that me just knitting 15 and then doing M1? Thanks!

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Apr 22, 2019
How do I work ( )
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Doreen,

Parentheses are used for sizes in general. Is the pattern you are working on now has two sizes by any chance? From what I know, the smallest size is in the front and then move up to the bigger size(s).

Like you said, this could also be k5 x 3 but it doesn't make any sense to me either.

What are you making? Can you send me a link or the pattern that I can look at? I might make more sense to me to read the whole pattern.

Thanks for the question.

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