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how do u sew a shoulder?

by carolyn holmes
(gorham nh)

Don't under stand my pattern it says sew shoulders seam but the shoulder are on a stitch holder?

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Nov 03, 2019
How to sew shoulder seams
by: Ratchadawan

There are several ways you can do this.

One, bind off all shoulder seam stitches. Sew them together using needle and back stitch method.

Two, using 3 needles bind off method. This one you don't bind off. you knit stitches off both sides of of the seams using the 3rd empty needle. This give smoother shoulder.

Three, using crochet bind off method. This is pretty much the same as 3 needles bind off except using crochet hook instead of the needle.

I've done all of the above but most of them are the first option one.

You can find video on youtube for these methods.
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