How do you make an open ladder stitch? A specific sweater in referenced.
by Judy T.B.
(Rutland, Massachusetts USA)
drop a st directly above the yfwd st.
forming ladder sts
You can find a picture of this sweater at if you search "Bergere Cropped Sweater." It has what is called an "open ladder stitch" creating a delicate airy look at the top part of the sleeves and bodice of the sweater.
I (and others – experts – I have asked) are baffled, even though the pattern is described as "easy." There are people at who have successfully finished the sweater using the exact same instructions I have. I do not know why I am so STUCK if other people can do it, but I am, none-the-less.
This sweater pattern is worked sideways. It consists of a front piece and a back piece that you then sew together.
So here is what has me baffled:
Right Half Sleeve:
For my size, I cast on 3 stitches.
• Work 4 rows garter (g) stitch, then 2 rows stockinette stitch (st. st.)
• Next row, k3, yfwd, *k3tog twice, yfwd* repeat from * to * twice, then k15.
• Continue in st. st. on the remaining 28 stitches.
• When work measures 9-1/2 inches (60 rows) cast on 48 new stitches at the beginning of the next ws row.
• Continue in st. st. on the next 76 stitches
Okay, so except for increasing and decreasing some stitches here and there, and casting off the same number of stitches I casted on to begin the bodice, there is not mention of the ladder stitches until the piece is almost to the end of the "Left Half Sleeve." At that point, here's what it says
• When work measures 38 inches total, form the ladders by working as follows: k3, * cast on 3 stitches and let the stitch made by the yfwd at beginning of the work drop, k2 *. Repeat from * to * twice, cast on 3 stitches, let the stitch made by the yfwd at beginning drop, K 15.
• Work 1 row of purl on the 36 remaining stitches.
• Work 5 rows of garter stitch on all the stitches, then cast off.
Where in the world do all the ladder stitches that form all the way across the whole top of the sweater, front and back, come from???!!! HELP!!!