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How many do I knit

by Michelle Brewer
(Vicksburg MS)

I don’t understand
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Jan 24, 2021
yoke set up question
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Michelle,

*K11 (9,8,4,3) (2,2,2,2), m1L* rep to end of round.

You don't need to k11, this is for the first size. You can just knit 4st for your size. The only problem I have with this instruction is the (2,2,2,2). Are these numbers suppose to indicate time of repeat? but why there is not a word "times" after this. Maybe they are for another set of different sizes. You probably have a better idea for this since you didn't mention them in your question.

If these (2,2,2,2) has nothing to do with your size, then you can just do k4, m1L then repeat them to the end of the round.

Thanks for the question and visit.
Have a great day!


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