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How to change color yarn using 3 Double point needles (DPNS)?

by Jan


Hi! I'm knitting fingerless mittens and would like to experiment to add color yarns to make stripes using 3 double point needles (DPNS). Could you show me the best way on how to change color yarns without creating a gap between the two DPNS ?




Hi Jan,

I'm not sure why my first comment didn't show up. I'm going to put it here then.

To answer you question: I would just add a new color right at the beginning of a new round then I would use a needle to weave the ends in behind other stitches. If you plan not to cut the previous yarn you can just carry it along by twisting it once with a new color at the beginning of each row. This way you won't end up with a pice of yarn hanging in side your mittens.

Happy Knitting!


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Nov 10, 2014
by: Jan

Thank you for your instructions. I will try adding a new yarn the way you explained.

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