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How to decrease using yfd

Copy of instructions

Copy of instructions

Hi there,

I am knitting a toy fairy and have arrived at the overskirt. The pattern says cast on 108 sts, 1st row - K 106, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 2nd row - Sl1, P104, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 3rd row - Sl 1, K102, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. Continue in this manner, decreasing the number of K or P stitches by two on each subsequent row ....

I have attached a photograph of these instructions for clarity.

I don't understand how this instruction causes a decrease? When I follow the pattern the number of stitches stays the same. Are you able to help me please?

With thanks and kind regards,

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Nov 29, 2020
short row decreasing
by: Ratchadawan


This is a short row decrease. What the pattern means is that you will continue working decrease as set by row 3-4 keeping the number of stitches you knit or purl to be 2 sts less per each row.

In this case, your 5th row would be: sl 1, k98, yf, sl 1, yb, turn.
and 6th would be : sl 1, p 96, yb, sl 1, yf, turn.
and the rest that follow will be working the same way until you come to row 22. Then the reduction change to 4 sts.

I hope I my explanation makes sense. Thank you for sharing your question with us.

Have a great day!


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