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How to fix a raglan sleeve

by Deb F

I am knitting a baby sweater top down all one piece. It is divided by markers for front, raglan sleeves and back one of the markers must have fallen off without me realizing and now I am at the point of dividing the sections and putting the stitches for the sleeves on scrap yarn and then continuing the pattern. The problem is one sleeve section does not show the increases on either side because of the missing marker so it is going to look different. Is there a way to fix this without ripping the whole sweater out?

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Apr 28, 2024
How to fix a raglan sleeve
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Deb,

I'm sorry this happened. I can't think of a way to fix this and make it look good. It's possible but it would involve cutting yarn and join yarn to fix each row that are not increase.

It isn't just the sleeve that is missing stitches, the back is also effected by this. It is best to redo it and be happy with the result later.

Maybe anyone else has a good idea for this.

Thank for sharing and asking.


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