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How to reverse this pattern

by Helen

sample knitting of lace

sample knitting of lace

Can you advise how to reverse the following 4 of a baby pattern.

1st row. Yfwd, s1,k1,psso, k1,k2tog, yfwd, k1

2 and 4th rows. Purl rows

3rd row. K1, yfwd, s1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k2.

Thank you

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Jan 06, 2023
Working pattern in reverse
by: Helena

Thank you for your help, very easy to understand .


You're welcome!


Oct 21, 2021
Reverse pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Helen,

I'm not sure if you meant to reverse left to right or top to bottom.
I tried to reverse sl1,k2,psso to k3tog but it didn't look good so I kept its original one.

In the picture above I have your original pattern from row 1-4. The first six stitches are the original and the last 6 sts are the left to right reverse. The reversed pattern is the same as the original, interesting! The only thing different here are the spaces between them.

You can see a bigger chart in google doc here;Chart in Google Doc

On row 5 to 8 are the upside down reversed pattern.

I hope these are what you looking for.

Happy Knitting!

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