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How to work increased sts in both ends ofpattern

by Annmarie west
(Sheffield )

I have a 8 row pattern that I have to work inc stitch into. I am struggling
1st row. K1* yfwd,k2togtbl,k1 k2tog yfwd k1 to end
Next and every alternative purl
3rd row k1* ydwd, k1,sl1,k2tog psso k1 rep to end
5th row k1,m1,*k2tog yfwd k1 yfwd k2togtbl k1 rep to end
7th row k1 k2tog *k1 yfwd twice k1 x1 k2tog psso rep from *
This is the original I don't know how to incorporate this into the pattern.

Thank you for your help

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Jan 12, 2020
increase sts in both ends of the pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Annmarie,

Are you saying that you want to add a stitch on each side of this existing pattern here. I tried but I couldn't keep the pattern going. It's too much for my brain right now. Are you sure that you need to add more? The pattern looks little bit strange for me on row 5 and 7. It looks link it already has increased sts in them. Perhaps the direction states you'll need to increase sts at each side on the next 8 rows as follows. If that's the case then you don't need to do anything else just follow the pattern.

Sorry, I couldn't be much of a help.
Thanks for stopping by.


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