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I cannot decipher this pattern

Picture of Dress

Picture of Dress

I would like to make this for my first grandchild being born in July. It's a girl! I cannot decipher this pattern, however. It makes no sense to me. I know to cast on 77 sts. I understand that I must start with the 5th stitch of the chart and work those 8 sts. Then I repeat row 1 of the chart 5 times for the small size. What do I knit for the last 9 sts? I tried to decode this row by row, stitch by stitch, but I can't figure it out. Any help you can offer is much appreciated. This pattern is in a book titled, "Baby Gifts to Knit". It is titled 4-Dress. There is no author listed. I apologize that the picture of the words is so small but I had to take a photo of the pattern in the book and upload it to my computer.

Thank you,

Jean Turbyville

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Mar 22, 2020
I cannot decipher this pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Jean,

Thank you for sending in your question. The photo looks good but I could read any of the letters in it. I think it had to do with the compressed file from the web host company. Can you attach a file and send it to me at this email address;


I hope I will be able to read it then. I try to search for this pattern on the web but was not successful.

Thank you,

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