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I dropped four stitches or something unraveled in the edge.

by Allison

dropped ribbing stitches

dropped ribbing stitches

I am very new to knitting and when I went to start another row I think a stitch slipped off and the yarn attached to the ball slipped through or something. This happened to fours stitches in total. But the yarn attached to the ball is somehow still on the needle. Any help would be appreciated as I’m afraid I have to start over completely!!

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Nov 22, 2023
dropped yarn
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Allison,

You ribbing looks very nice! Very good for a beginner. It looks like you dropped 3 columns but I'm not sure where the forth sts came from. You can try to fix it column by column using a crochet needle. Put other dropped sts on another needle while fixing a drop one. Make sure to pull the crochet to the right direction of purl and knit.

If this won't work that you probably have to start over again. Make sure to secure the tip of the needle when not working to prevent stitches from slipping off the needle.

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