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If a pattern calls for holes but I don't want holes, can I leave them out without it effecting the overall shape?

by Rebecca
(New Jersey)

If a pattern calls for holes but I don't want holes, can I leave them out without it effecting the overall shape?

Working on a cardigan and am a beginner knitter.

Here's an example of the pattern. Which items create the hole and can be left out and which items have bearing on the overall shape and fit?

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Aug 02, 2024
Leaving the hold out
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Rebecca,

This looks like a ladder pattern where you drop stitches to make a ladder.
If you decide not to make a hole then you do not need to do M1 stitch and k2tog. All you need to do is Knit and purl them according to each row's instruction.

I hope this helps. Thanks for the question and happy knitting!


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