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Invisible increase - working one more stitch between increases

Pattern that I'm using and strikes me to "work one more stitch between increases on each increase round."

The increases have been a make one below invisible increase. I'm curious if the question just means keep making one below or if I'm supposed to make an extra stitch in addition to the stitch that's one below.

To be clear, I'm not asking how to do an invisible increase, I'm asking what it means to work one more stitch between increases.
I have also included a photo of the pattern.


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Feb 21, 2021
Invisible increase-- working one more stitch between increases
by: Ratchadawan


For each repeat of round 12 you just do M1below increases. Do not make an extra one on top of that.

It is a bit confusing the way the pattern is written.

Thanks for sharing the question and visit. Have a good evening!


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