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Is the math out on this one??

by Susan
(Toronto Ontario)

The pattern is for a classic throw..called Cables and bobbles... starts with 198 stitches, asks you to increase to 230 stitches. Here is what it says:
K10,*Knit in front and back of next stK4, Knit in front and back of next st twice,K5; repeat from * to last 10 sts, Knit in front and back of next st, K9 - 230 sts.
Each increase = 2 stitches.
10 + 2
4 + 2
4 + 2
now you have 204 stitches on needle.
At the end you need to have last 10 stitches + 2 increase
So you would have 206 stitches on the needle, looking to go to 230 so you need to increase 24 stitches.

Based on the instructions you would increase 6 stiches for every 13 stitches knitted. You would have your extra 34 new stitches well before the row was complete.
Am I reading this incorrectly?

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Jan 21, 2023
is the math out on this one? Cables and Bobbles Classic Throw
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Susan,

I took a peak at the pattern at;https://www.yarnspirations.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master-catalog-spinrite/default/dw77e9c8c8/PDF/RHK0502-021759M.pdf

and went over it. It started out with 196 st actually and finished with 230 sts after the first increase section.

The math was right. You've got 10 sts, plus 11 sections of the repeated pattern of 16 sts (this makes 176sts)and the last 10 sts. This make 196 sts total before increase.

The increase row, you increase 3 sts for each repeated pattern and this makes 11X3 = 33 sts increasing, then add the last increase at the end, that makes 34. 196+34 = 230.

The last 10 sts, you knit front and back of one st, and then knit 9 not 10.

So, don't worry, just follow the pattern. Mark each section with st marker will be a great help.

Good luck and have fun with the throw.

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