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Joining yarn question

Hello! I'm knitting a V-neck sweater vest and I finished the left side and strap of the vest and am ready to knit the other side. I have 13 stitches on the needle but there is no yarn ball attached and no ends attached either. I tried to join a ball of yarn but while I was knitting I noticed a whole in my work. Is there a way to tie yarn to this to keep knitting?

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Feb 05, 2021
joining yarn for the neck edge
by: Ratchadawan


I like to join my yarn on the outer edge (armhole edge) so I can weave it in along the edge which make it less visible. The hole showing here will disappear after a few row of neck decrease. You should be fine.
Like I said start a new ball of yarn on the armhole edge will make the sweater look neater at the neck edge.

Have fun knitting and thanks for visiting.


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