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Keeping pattern correct

by Kirty



I'm just wondering if you can help me work out this pattern please. I'm a beginner and was doing quite well until I got to the sleeves. I'm not sure what pattern I am meant to follow after the '8th row', where it says keeping patt. correct, work a further 4 rows.

Thank you

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Mar 24, 2020
Many thanks
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much. I will let you know how I get on :)

Mar 24, 2020
Keeping pattern correct
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Kirty,

Keeping pattern correct is a pain and I don't know why they can't just write it down so that people won't make mistake. I'm not a big fan of this.

You have to look at previous rows and use them to guide your next rows. You want to make it so that your eyelets locate at the right area. so, in this case you'll need to work row 9 as establish in the 5th row. Your will have more stitches because of it increase. Row 10 is purl. Row 11 is similar to row 7 and row 12 is purl.

Here is how I would do the next 4 rows after 8;

Row 9: Inc in first stitch, k 7, *k2, yfwd, sl, k, psso, k3; rep to last 7 sts, inc in last st.

Row 10: Purl

Row 11: K9, *k2, k2tog, yfwd, k3; rep from * to last 8 sts, k to end.

Row 12: Purl

Thank you for your question. I hope this helps.


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