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Knitting a corner to corner blanket ?

by Carol Slattery

The directions say rep the color till you have 168 sts on your needle
My ? Is how do you know if you have 168sts
Can u figure that out by # of rows?
Started with CO 5 sts
Then 6 sts
Then 7sts
Then increased and did 10 rows of the 1st color
Swtched colors 10 rows of that color
Switched colors again 10 rows in that color

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Nov 13, 2022

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Carol,

Thanks for the question. The only way to know exactly how many stitches you have is to count them. You know that you won't get to 168 sts for awhile if you increase 1 st per row. It will take you about 163 rows to get to this since you're starting out with 5sts. So take your time and enjoy your knitting. You can use a row center to keep track of your row and when you get close to row 160 you can count your stitches to see how many you have.

Thanks for stopping by. Have fun with your blanket!


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