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Knitting double breasted cardigan button holes

by Shirley Scott

I've knitted the back and left side no problem, unfortunately I've hit a problem on the right front regarding button holes. I've marked up on the left side where the buttons should go. This is what it says for the right front.
To make buttonholes: On RS rows corresponding to markers on left front, work 2 STS, to twice, k2tog, work 10 STS, yo twice, k2tog, knit to end. When working next row work double yarn as 1 at.
I've started knitting the right front and literally got up to where I've marked on the left for button hole. Is it telling me too slot in the above ? I'm very confused.

Please help

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Nov 09, 2021
button holes
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Shirley,

Yes, when you get to the first corresponding area, you work even 2 sts and then yo twice, k2tog, and so on. For the next row, you must work the double yarn over as 1 st which mean you have to either p2tog or k2tog into the double yo depending on your existing pattern.
I hope this makes sense.

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