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Knitting in the round bottom up - does this mean i begin to knit flat?

Up until this point I am knitting in the round on circular needles. The pattern states this :
Continuing with C5, K to one stitch before BOR marker. Remove marker, SSK last stitch with YO created at the beginning of the round. Replace marker and turn.

Next row (and all WS rows before shaping): P to side marker, SM, complete next row of chart purling all stitches until BOR. Turn.
Next row (and all RS rows before shaping): YO, K next row of chart, SM. K to one stitch before BOR marker. Remove marker, SSK last stitch with YO, replace marker and turn

My questions:
Where do I replace the marker- after I have SSK?
Am I now knitting flat and has a gap now been made (ie it’s not seamless in the round anymore?)
Why am I doing this?!
Thanks for your help.

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Jan 03, 2023
knitting in the round bottom up
by: Ratchadawan

Who wrote this pattern? Just kidding! This is so confusing.
Basically the marker will be between the end and the beginning of the round. You can use a softy pin or a paper clip and clip it on to the last st after you complete the ssk. or you can just leave it off the needle and always do the SSK using the last st of the right side row and a yo at the beginning of the right row.

Are you going knit in rows from this point on?
Yes, you'll be knitting in rows, but the piece will be connected on every right side row with the SSK. You piece should be seamless.

I think the reason to knit in rows is because the pattern chart. It must have been designed for row knitting. I could be wrong.

I hope this makes sense.

Happy New Years! Sorry for the delay. I've been on vacation.


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