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knitting in the round.

by Connie

I found a scarf. No pattern I see it's knitted in the round with about 10 or more. It's knitted in a long chain, Then it's arm knitted and stitched together. To be round then you just slip over your head.

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Jan 06, 2016
Scarf knitted in round
by: Ratchadawan

What is the question you want to ask? Perhaps where to find a scarf pattern in round just as you described.

I've seen one with arm knitted but not this one. I'll look around see if I can find one. Can you trace back to the site where the scarf picture comes from? Maybe there is some information there. Although, you could probably make up your own pattern just as you described using other arm knitted patterns as guidance.

Here are some search resusults for arm knitted scarf patterns:

arm knitted scarf patterns



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