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Knitting on a Magic Loop from a 4 needle pattern

by Diane
(Washington State)

I have been trying to get an answer and haven't for knitting in the round. I started knitting a pet hat on the small 4 needles and then read about the Magic Loop way. So I discarded the 4 needles to knit on the loop. But I still am working off the directions for the 4 needles. Not having ever used a loop before, I knitted the first 8 rows of (48) stitches on a #3 needle in white yarn and now I am faced with the directions for the 4 needles to knit 10 stitches in red yarn from #1 needle which has 12 stitches of the 48 and place on a safety pin. From there, knit the rest of the stitches (38) flat with #6 needles. I have knitted a long time ago but never in the round. How do I convert the 4 needle pattern to the loop knitting?

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Feb 17, 2021
Magic loop knitting
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Dianne,

Basically it's the same way of knitting. You just have to mark the beginning and the end of each needle. I think it depends on the pattern too. Some pattern might not workout in round.

After you done with the 8 rows of white yarn, you knit 10 sts with red yarn then slip those off the needle onto a stitch holder.

Get your #6 needle and knit the rest of the stitches all the way to the end. From now on, you have to knit flat as the pattern instructs but you can still use cable needle. You can join them later on when after you complete the length required for the neck area.

Have a great evening!

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