
knitting with double point needles

by Kathleen
(Mexic Maine USA)

Question: I am preparing to make a toddler's knitted helmet. It starts out with the neck ribbing using #6 dp needles (I could use circular needle but I don't have that size.) Once the neck is done it says to work the remainder of the helmet in the flat. The instructions didn't mention single point needles but is this what it would be? I am thinking it may be so that there is an opening. (Once the helmet is done I will be picking up stitches to put a ribbing around the face area.

Answer: Hi Kathleen. Thanks for the question. It's imposible to work all the sts on a single point, straight needle after the piece has been worked in circle. You can use circular needle to knit it flat, but you don't have the right size. I would suggest continue with the dpn and work back and forth in rows. Just be more careful not to drop sts at each end of needles.

Hopes this helps.


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