Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


by Mary
(McKinney Tx)

Question In Original Submission:

What does it mean after I knit4 4 then p4 rem knit 4 rep prev 2 rolls 4 times

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Jan 15, 2018
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Mary,

I don't quite get your question because the way you wrote it out confuses me.

I think you mostly want to know what you'll do next after you finish the row, right?

The instruction wants us to repeat the last 2 rows you knit 4 times. For example, if you just finished knitting row 1 and 2, then you will repeat row 1 and 2 again for 4 times ( with total of 8 rows not counting the rows before repeating). Does that make sense? I hope this answer your question.

Thank you so much for visiting and sending in your question. Have a great evening!


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