Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

M1-L & M1-R

by Lela
(Rocky Mount, VA)

I found out today that I have been knitting this whole time using the conventional backward method/ mirror method. I hold the yarn in my left hand and I knit from left to right. My question is: the pattern is calling for M1-L then knit till marker and then do a M1-R for fingerless gloves but it's for a person who knits right to left. So do I knit M1-R then M1-L or do I do what the pattern says M1-L then M1-R? I can't find the answer online. Making this as a Christmas gift.

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Nov 11, 2023
M1-L & M1-R
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lela,

If you're doing mirror knitting then, you would do the M1 R and follow by M1L.

Thanks for asking,


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