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Neck and shoulder shaping.

by Jane

Decrease chart

Decrease chart

I am knitting a sweater front .... 143 stitches in total. The pattern tells me to work as given for back until 12 less rows have been worked then back. Then it says, pattern 39 stitches and turn, leaving remaining stitches on holder. Work each side of the next separately. Keeping pattern correct, dec 1 stitch at the neck edge for 8 rows then following alternate row (30 stitches on needle). Then comes shoulder shaping ... cast off 3 stitches at beginning of next and following alt row, then 4 stitches at the beginning of following 4 alt rows at the same time decrease 1stitch at neck edge of next and following 2 alt rows and then on fourth row. Cast off remaining 4 stitches ... this part seemed to go ok. Then the pattern says, with right side facing, slip centre 27 stitches onto a holder for neck band. Rejoin yarn and pattern to the end. Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.

The shoulder strap on the shoulder I have yet to do will be 39 stitches, I presume. 27 centre stitches are on a stitch holder but that leaves me with 38 stitches ... 19 on either side of the neck band. The pattern is unclear about what I am to do with them ... hope this is clear. If anyone can help, I will be grateful. I am knitting Marie Wallin’s cowslip sweater ... perhaps a bit beyond my skill level. Thanks for any help you can offer

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Dec 24, 2021
Neck and shoulder bind off
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jane,

You should not have any stitch left over after completing neck and shoulder decreases. All 30 sts should get all worked up.
When you get to the part where you have 30 sts on the needle you will work decreases both sides at the same time.
It should be like this;
On the neck side, dec 1 st on the next row and every other row 2 times and on the 4th row once (4sts in total ).
For the shoulder side, dec 3 sts on the next row every other row one time (6sts), then dec 4 sts every other row 4 times (16sts). This leaves 4 sts remaining for binding off.

I’m traveling and don’t have computer with me so I made a rough chart here for you from my phone. Hope this will help you see it better. See an attach photo.

Good luck with sweater and happy holiday b

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