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Neck shaping and sewing garment together

by Elaine


I have been making a man's sweater. I am confused about the neck shaping. Also I would like tips on sewing it up in a professional way.☺

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Feb 13, 2020
Neck Shaping and Sewing garment together
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Elaine,

Neck and armholes shaping can be quite a pain. I found that drawing out a diagram on a graph paper help me a lot. We pretty much know how the sweater's neck look like, we just have to make the right decreases so that it will form the shape we want. So, next time try graph paper and see what you think.

I like to join my seam using mattress stitch. It look neatest to me. Sewing seams with machine is great with fine and fingering yarn.

Here is an example video on a How to sew seam using a mattress stitch;

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