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Neck shaping

by Vanyel kratz
(Cary, NC, USA )

Please help! This is my first time learning how to knit a sweater. I got thru section 2. When continuing on section 3 do I knit over the W&T stitches? please help with section 3, please 🙏
Please give me courage to finish this sweater!

Thank you so much!!


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Jan 26, 2021
Shoulder shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Vanyel,

Wow, this looks very difficult for the first sweater! I'm sure you'll get this done in no time.

One problem though, I don't quite understand your question. You wrote "neck shaping" on the topic section but the direction you send is a shoulder shaping which is section 1. I don't see section 3 that you've mentioned.
Can you please clarify that to me?



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