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One stitch too many

I was knitting and got to the end of the 1st row which was k5 p3 then knit last 12 stitches. I did the p3 and went to knit the last 12 and there was 13 stitches left. I double and triple checked how many stitches I had and they were correct. I also turned the piece over and checked to make sure all my k5 p3 were correct and they were . I don’t know how to proceed.

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Feb 27, 2020
One stitch too many
by: Ratchadawan

Can you send me a picture and the instruction? I really want to see what happened to it.


Feb 25, 2020
author of one stitch to many
by: Anonymous

No this was the first row of the pattern. I knitted 13 rows for the border before that, which was garter stitch.

Feb 25, 2020
One stitch too many
by: Ratchadawan

This is a mysterious! I wonder what happened along the way. Did you suppose to do something with the first stitch, like slipping it. If that is not the case then there must be an extra stitch somewhere.
If there is no solution to this then I think you should redo it since you're only on the first row.

If this still happens on second attempt, I would decrease a stitch of the last 12. I wish I can be there with you so we can try to find this extra stitch!

Thank you for sharing this with us!


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