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Pattern baby knits by Debbie bliss - pick up stiches

by Beverley

V neck cardigan struggling with front edging. Tells me to.
Join shoulder seams.
With right side facing, 3 1/4 needles pick up and k 30sts. along right front edge from cast off edge to start of neck shaping. 24sts. Up right front neck to shoulder, k across 18sts. From back neck stitch holder pick up and k 24sts. down left front neck shaping and 30sts. along left front edge to cast on edge. 126sts.

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Apr 07, 2021
pick up stitches for front and neck edges.
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Beverley,

First, join the right and left front pieces to the back piece at shoulder seams. Make sure to place right sides together when seaming.

Once you got the shoulder seams done, then you can begin picking up stitches and knit from the bottom corner of the right front.

With right side facing and 3 1/4 needles pick up and knit 30sts. along the right front edge from cast off edge (I think you meant cast on?) to start of neck shaping (this is the vertical part of the right front). 24sts. Up right front neck to shoulder (the \ slanted part of V neck), k across 18sts. From back neck stitch holder pick up and k 24sts. down left front neck shaping (that is another / slanted part of the V neck) and 30sts. along left front edge to cast on edge. You should have 126sts. total for making a band.

Please search youtube for picking up stitches and knit if you have never done it before. It should help a lot. I'm not at home at the moment and I'm not equip with material and supply to show you how this work. Hopefully, you get the idea.

Thanks for visiting and questioning.
Have a great day!


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