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Pattern does not make sense

by Waverley44

sample of right neck edge decreases

sample of right neck edge decreases


I'm knitting a sweater and have reached the 'shape neck' of the pattern.
I am working in stocking stitch on the Front Right side of my garment.
Everything was going smoothly until I reached row 112
Row count 112 is a purl row yet pattern has asked me to Dec 1 st Rt Rcs 112-114
The right side has always been a knit row up until now.
I have counted the rows and I haven't missed one so I cant understand what the pattern wants me to do.

Shape neck:
COff 7 sts Rt (neck edge) RC107.
COff 8 sts Rt RC109.
COff 2 sts Rt RC111.
Dec 1 st Rt RCs 112-114.
COff 2 sts Rt RC115.

Is it a typo or am I missing something?
Can anyone help me?

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Mar 25, 2021
Neck Decrease
by: Ratchadawan


The pattern wants you to decrease at the neck edge on row 112, 113 and 114. It doesn't matter if row 112 is a purl row, you can go ahead and decrease it. Then decrease 1 st on row 113 and 114 as well.

Thank you for the question and visit.
Have a great day!


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