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Picture Of M1 Swatch

by Helen Johnston

Beautiful Knitting Stitches Using M1 (Make One) Increase Method

Beautiful Knitting Stitches Using M1 (Make One) Increase Method

Hello Ratcha, here's the swatch with M1s, your method is 2nd from top repeat, and it looks just like the others I did before you so kindly showed the easier way. Thanks! I kind of like this pattern, it will help me tackle more complicated ones I hope to make. I was always "afraid" of patterns with lots of different stitches in each row, and each row different, but I'm working to change that! (oh, the M1s are in the slanted stockinette places) Thanks again!

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May 10, 2016
Beautiful Knitting Stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Green is my favorite color. I love the pattern too. I'm glad you find my method helpful. I'm sure you will do just fine with more complex pattern. Thank you for showing me your beautiful work.

Happy Knitting!


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