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Problem with lace pattern decrease not matched with increase

by Audrey
(Ireland )

Pattern Chart

Pattern Chart

I have a problem with Row 19 and Row 23 and Row 27, where there are Yarn Overs but no corresponding decrease such as K2tog, or Sl1, K1,psso.

I am supposed to have 163 stitches, but when i follow this and repeat 8 times, I end up 16 stictches too many on Row 19. Is this a mistake on the pattern I wonder?
I would really apprecaite any help you might be able to give me!
many thanks,

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May 28, 2021
lace pattern
by: Ratchadawan

This is a complicated pattern. Maybe I was wrong because I was assuming the pattern starts with the first right column.

Perhaps you can email me a copy at; ratchachambers@gmail.com and I will take a look at it.



May 27, 2021
reoly to Ratcha
by: Audrey

Hi Ratcha,
thanks so much for your reply. I see where you're coming from, and maybe I am reading the pattern incorrectly. But I understood that for the size I require, I needed to knit between the relevant lines on the grid. For my size, that was indicated to be just to the right and left of the two red lines.
All of the black lines represent a different size.
So if I do that, that's where the problem arises then. So maybe that's where I am going wrong.
Your other query re the stitches, it doesn't specifically mention the number for row 19, I am counting from the beginning, so the number of stitches doesn't change until I get up to the sleeves.
thanks again for your time with this!

May 26, 2021
Problem with lace pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Audrey,

I don't think it's a mistake in the pattern. You should only have 2 yarn overs at the beginning and the end of those rows (19, 23, and 27). The rest of the Dimond pattern should should be the same as the center one. Does it say that you should have 163 sts on this row? Or you are counting the previous row.


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