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Problem with pattern

by JoC
(London UK)

cardigan top down

cardigan top down

Hi. I am VERY MUCH a beginning. I looked on YouTube to knit a simple baby cardigan. I was doing OK. Said to cast on 40 and then garter knit four rows which I did.

Set up row went: k3, p1, p6, p1, p18,, p1, p6, p1, k3

Row 1: k2, kfb, yo, k1, yo k6, yo k1, yo, k18, yo, k1, yo, k6, yo, k1, yo, kfb, k2
Row 2: k3, purl to the last 3 stitches and k3

So far so good.

However, it then says to repeat these rows 10 times each. But in Row 1 I am making two extra stitches with the two kfbs. So when I get to the end of the row I am left with extra stitches which of course increases each time I do row 1. I have started three times now. What am I doing wrong please?


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Oct 30, 2020
Problem with cardigan pattern row 1
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Joanne,

Thanks for the question and visit.

You're right. There is a problem with the pattern on row 1. If you follow the instruction the way it is, it will never work out.

You're doing everything right. The problem is with the way the pattern is written. It's not meant to be for the beginner to follow.

Row 1: k2, kfb, yo, k1, yo k6, yo k1, yo, k18, yo, k1, yo, k6, yo, k1, yo, kfb, k2

Row 2: k3, purl to the last 3 stitches and k3

On row 3 it should look like this;
k2, kfb, (k2) yo,k1,yo, (k8), yo, k1, yo, (k20), yo, k1, yo, (k8), yo, k1, yo, (k2), kfb, k2. This will be your new row 1 for repeating.

Every time you repeat row 1, you'll gain 2 sts in each parenthesis. As long as you keep all of the yo,k1,yo in line with each other on each row, you'll be fine.

Row 2 always the same.

Another way to remember is to always do k2, kfb at the beginning and kfb on 3rd sts before the end of a row. For the rest of it, you knit until you complete a stitch above the yo and then alway yo, k1, yo.

I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you still need help. I'll be happy to do so.

Happy knitting!

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