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Problem with repeat pattern Aran knit cushion

by Kate

Please could you help me with the following: I am knitting a Martin Storey Square Aran cushion pattern. Initially you cast on, knit one row. Then an increase row. Then the beginning of the pattern. Row 1 and 2 set the chart with st st to the side. The pattern then says: Cont in patt to end of row 26.
All this is fine, but then the pattern says to "repeat rows 3 to 26 for a further 84 rows, ending with a RS row. This works fine until half way through the first pattern row (row 3) and then suddenly the purl stitches in the pattern look like they should be plains and visa versa. I have tried everything, but for some reason I just can't seem to get this to work. I have undone and reknitted this 5 or 6 times and every time it looks wrong. I have no idea of how to proceed. Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Kind regards

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May 05, 2022
Problem with aran knit cushion
by: Ratchadawan

I'm not sure what went wrong there. Have you already done rows 3-26? or you just started that? It would be hard of me to say since I don't see your work.

You should try knitting a sample of the pattern separately and see what causing this. Maybe you didn't make a mistake at all. It might look strange at first but it will look fine when the work is getting longer.

Anyone else have any thoughts?


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