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Purl stitch... HELP!!

by Novice knitter
(Michigan )

Hi There,
I am learning to knit. Started a scarf but just wanted to do a simple Purl stitch throughout just to make it easy, I started a long time ago and put down the project. When I restarted I looked up a YouTube video on how to do Purl stitch. As I started up again, I noticed the two stitches looked very different. I think I am now doing the Purl stitch correctly but I really like the other “nubby” stitch better :) I have no idea how I did that stitch and maybe it is a tension issue?! I’d like to incorporate these two stitches to make sense of the change. Do you have any idea how I created this stitch? Thanks for your help!

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Dec 09, 2020
purl stitch
by: Ratchadawan


The nubby one is when you purl one row and knit one row alternately (this is the reversed stockinette stitch because the other side is the stockinette st) and the one with a ridge is when you purl every row. This produces garter stitch.

Most knitters prefer to knit every row to get this look garter stitch because it's easier to knit than purl. Both ways result in the same look.

Thanks for the question. I hope this helps.
Happy knitting!


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