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Question on my knitting pattern


Right Front

Work the 5 buttonband sts, including a buttonhole, in
the first row as follows:

Buttonhole Row: Row 1(See below-the Aran openwork pattern)(RS): Sl 1, k1, yo, k2tog, k1, work
next 33 sts in pattern as established, place remaining
sts on stitch holder. (38 sts)

Next Row:(Row 2) (WS): BO 3 sts at armhole edge, p3, place
marker, p to last 5 sts, k5. (35 sts)

Next Row:(Row 3): Sl1, k4, work in pattern to marker work
the second p3tog as p2tog
, k3.

Next row: (Row 4): P3, slip marker, p to last 5 sts, k5.
Continue in pattern as established, working garter
st band at front edge and stockinette st border (k on
RS, p on WS) at armhole. AT THE SAME TIME, work
buttonhole every 8 rows (on Row 1 of Aran Openwork
pattern). Work 3 pattern repeats ***This is my question, When i work the 3 pattern repeat do i BO on row 2-see above- EACH TIME? or do I do the repeats of the aran openwork pattern WITHOUT THE BO OF THE 3 STS? *** in total from
armhole, ending with WS row.

Rows 5 thru 8 continue with the Aran openwork pattern...

Row 1: (RS)P5, k2, *k3, p7, k2; rep from * to last 8 sts, k3, p5.
Row 2: (and all WS rows) Purl.
Row 3: P3, p2tog, k2, yo, *k1, yo, k2, p2, p3tog, p2, k2, yo; rep from * to last 8 sts, k1, yo, k2, p2tog, p3.
Row 5: P2, p2tog, k2, yo, k1, *k2, yo, k2, p1, p3tog, p1, k2, yo, k1; rep from * to last 8 sts, k2, yo, k2, p2tog, p2.
Row 7: P1, p2tog, k2, yo, k2, *k3, yo, k2, p3tog, k2, yo, k2; rep from * to last 13 sts, k3, yo, k2, p2tog, p1.
Row 8: Purl.


No, you don't need to do BO again. Only do it once on the first time. When repeating the pattern, you can just go right to the St St border and follow the rest of the pattern.

Thank you for the question and visiting,


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