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Question Regarding 6 Stitch Plait Cable Panel On Boy And Girl Vest

by Fran
(Birmingham, AL, USA)

Unisex Vest With 6-st-Plait Cable Panel

Unisex Vest With 6-st-Plait Cable Panel

Question 1: What does knit a "6-stitch-plait cable panel" mean when other directions say:

"Row 1(right side): *C4F, k2.
Row 2 : Purl.
Row 3: **K 2, C4B.
Row 4: Purl
*C4F = Place 2 sts on cable needle (CN) at front of work, k the next 2 sts, k 2 from CN.
**C4B = Place 2 sts on cable needle at back of work, k the next 2 sts, k 2 from CN ??

Question 2: After working the first row with the cables, when I turn and work another row, do I purl the row or knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches? The pattern seems to say both. This is the Boys' and girls' back-to-school vest pattern on your page.


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Oct 14, 2016
6-st-plait-cable panel
by: Ratcha

Hi Fran,

Thank you for visiting. I'll try my best to answer your questions.

1. 6-stitch-plait cable panel is a cable panel composed of 6 sts and four repeating rows. So when the instruction says to knit the 6-stitche-plait cable panel, you work your next 6 sts according to the cable pattern instruction starting from row 1 which is C4F, K2.

2. The "Purl" on row 2 and 4 mentioned in 6-stitch-pait cable panel only refer to these particular 6 sts. not every st on the row of the front piece. For this pattern, you can k the knit st and p the purl st. for the wrong side.

I hope I explained it clear enough for you.

Have a great day!


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