Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Raglan Shaping

by Claire
(Greater Manchester)

All fine with pattern until this below: I have 120 sts now.

RS row is inc row. Knit (8 increases)
WS row is Purl row

Pattern says: rep last 2 rows every RS row 6 more times and then every 4th row 3 times.

80 sts inc'd 200 sts.

Please help.

Thank you

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Mar 30, 2022
Raglan Shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Claire,

Thanks for sharing your question.

Repeat the previous 2 rows and do the increase on the right side only for 6 times. Then every 4th rows 3 times. Your increases would be like the followings;

Counting the next row (right side row) as row 1 for easy understanding. Not including the last 2 rows that you have to repeat.

Row 1 (right side): inc row
Row 2 (wrong side): work even
Row 3: inc row
Row 4: work even
Row 5: inc row
Row 6: work even
Row 7: inc row
Row 8: work even
Row 9: inc row
Row 10: work even
Row 11: inc row

This completes 6 times increases for the first part. You should gain another 48 sts at this point.

work even on row 12-14
Then do the inc on row 15.

work even on row 16-18 and do inc on row 19.

work even on row 20-22 and do inc on row 23.

This completes 3 times inc for every 4th row.

You should gain another 24 sts. For these two parts of increasing, you should gain 48 + 24 = 72 sts. Then you've got 8 sts inc from the previous 2 rows. So, it looks like we've got 80 sts increasing just as the pattern stated.

I hope this is not too confusing.
Have fun knitting!


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