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Read pattern and how do the stitch

by Mary

I can knit and purl. I can read a pattern but if I don't know how to do the stitch how could I follow a pattern? I hope I didn't make this too confusing.

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Jan 03, 2020
Read pattern and how to do the stitches
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Mary,

Thank you for visiting and sharing your question.

No, we don't know how to knit or make all the stitches, but there should be an explanation of how to make them on the pattern book.
Usually, the pattern would list the knitting abbreviations and terms so that one can refer back to them.

It's much easier today to find the answer to the term we don't understand on the web.

So, don't be afraid to take on to the more challenge patterns. You'll be amazed by what you can do with knit and purl sts.

Thanks again for stopping by. Have a wonderful evening!


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