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Removing some Cast On stitches when started knitting 4 rows already.

(Anchorage. ,Alaska)

Every beanie I make is too big. I dislike the figuring gauge etc. measuring head which isn’t available.
Patterns always say 76-86 or more stitches for a woman medium. Always Too big.

I just added 86 stitches as pattern stated; I got 4 rows in and thought” it’s too many”

I have seed stitched 4 rows and decided to take some stitches off. Can I just slip them off , or do I have to start all over?

I do not use Facebook. I will watch for answer here.

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Oct 17, 2021
Removing some Cast On stitches when started knitting 4 rows already.
by: Ratchadawan

Hi there,

I think it's okay to decrease evenly across the row with just plain stockinette or garter stitches. The seed stitch would be hard to do. I'm not sure it will turn out good either.
My best option for this would be to start all over again for a much nicer finish. I know, it's a pain but you'll be pleased with the result.

Thank you for stopping by with the question.
Take care,


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