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Rowan Oliver Leggings Pattern

by Gemma


I'm struggling to understand when patterns are like this and tend to re-write them to like 1. knit, 2. knit ,3. inc at each end, 4. Knit etc as I can cross it off as and when.

I'm making the rowan oliver leggings free from love crafts and have managed to understand the start of the pattern but am now struggling with this part.

Inc 1 st at each end of 3rd next: 3rd: 5th: next and 0 0: 0: 0: 1foll 12th rows, then on 0 0: 0: 2: 2 foll 10th rows, then on 0 0: 2:1: 2 foll 8th rows, then on 0 2: 1: 2: 1 foll 6th rows, then on 3 3:4: 3: 4 foll 4th rows, then on foll 5 alt rows. 73 75: 77: 81: 83 sts.Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row. (Leg should measapprox 14 16: 19: 22: 25 cm allowing first few rows to roll to RS.)

I think I'm struggling because of the 0's. I know I don't increase on them but I'm not sure how I proceed, do I do those at all or not?

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Feb 07, 2025

by: Ratchadawan

If the pattern falls on 0, you can skip it. Then move on to the next section. It’s very confusing. Let me know if you need more help.


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