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Sarah - slip stitch question

by Sarah Eckberg-Stevens
(Springfield IL)

right side

right side

Hi, I am hopelessly stuck on a 6 row chart. The pattern is Jean Frost's On the Neutral Path.
rows 1 and 2: knit one row, purl one row in color B
rows 3-6 in color A are all knit row: k3, slip 1 with yarn on WS.
The vertical slip stitches are 3 rows long and taut, when I pick color A up after the first 2 rows I don't know how to pick up the slipped stitch since it is in color B. Super frustrated!

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Jan 24, 2021
pick up a slip stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sarah,

On row 3 you k3 with A, and then slip a B stitch on the right needle. It's okay if it's in B because that's what the pattern wants. So you go ahead and slip the slip stitch and then continue knitting with A. All the slip stitches will be in B color. Just make sure that you keep the A color at the wrong side of work every time before and after the slip stitches. Pay special attention on row 4 and 6 because you need to bring the yarn in the front before slip st and then bring it back again afterward.
Don't be discouraged. You can do this.
Thanks for the question and visit.
Have a great Sunday!

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