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Separate front and back for neck for baby sweater pullover

Hi. I'm a very new knitter and am currently trying to knit a crosscut pullover for my grandson. It's a pattern that is knit in one piece from side to side.
I have finished one sleeve up to the neckline. I binded off 11 stitches for the neckline and now I'm working on the back of the sweater. I have put the front stitches that were on the other side of the neckline on a holder.
My question is: Once I finish knitting the back of the sweater and put those stitches on a holder. I'm supposed to put the front stitches back on the needle.
However, won't the ball of yarn be attached to the back stitches on the holder now?
How will I knit the front of the sweater if there's no yarn attached to it?
Hope you understand my problem and can offer some help.
It's pretty frustrating.

Many thanks.

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Feb 17, 2021
Separate front and back for neck for baby sweater pullover
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Debra,

Yes, you're right about not having yarn to work with when you start the front of the sweater.

You have to use a new ball of yarn to join and continue working. If there is only one ball of yarn, then you would cut the yarn off the back of the sweater and use this for the front.

Here is a good video on how to join yarn.

Thank you for the question and visit. Best on your sweater. I saw the pattern. It will be so cute on your grandson!


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