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shape back neck

by Darlene

MY pattern says RS Pattern 15 sts and turn, leaving rem stitches on a holder.
Work each side of neck separately.
Keeping pattern correct, dec 1 st. at neck edge of next 3 rows ending with RS
I HAVE DONE THIS AND now have 15 stitches to work as my pattern requires.
MY question is I have turned my work, so now IM ON THE WRONG SIDE with the 15 stitches, Am I now working on the wrong side the 15 stitches as this is where my wool edge is?
Or do I TURN my wool again,to right side and then my tail for continuing in not where it should be.

This is the 1st pattern I have done for working neck and shoulders.
Please advise.

I have attached my 2 rows of pattern, a diagram of the sweater, and where I am stuck.

Shape back neck I HAVE worked the PATT. 15 ST. AND TURNED,LEAVING REM. STS ON A HOLDER(which is 50 sts.)
SO I'm now working the 15 stitches, my question is it's on the wrong side since turning, so do I continue the pattern on wrong side and do purl rows, or turn again for right side, but my wool would be on the end of row.

This is all new to me as I have not done this kind of pattern before, new to knitting sweaters.

Please advise.
Thanks Darlene


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Oct 23, 2022
Shape back neck
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Darlene,

I can't read the pattern at all. It's all blurred but I got what you were saying. The web host is pretty strict on how big the file you can attach here.

Yes, you will work on the 15 sts and start where your wool end is. Do 1 sts dec (p2tog), then work to the end of the row. Next row is the right side and you work to the last 2 sts and k2tog.
Next row is the wrong side, work dec (p2tog) and then work to the end.

You're now starting a new row with the right side facing. Continue with the rest of the pattern.

If you need more help and want to email me the pattern then you can send it to ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com

Hope this helps and thanks for the question and visit.

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