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Shape shoulder

by Hannah
(Essex. Uk)

Can you help me I am knitting a knitted jacket.

I am really struggling what this means.

Please could you write this in a simple form what to do.

Thanks Hannah

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Mar 19, 2022
Shape shoulders
by: Ratchadawan

Yes, start cast off on a new row and it should be on the right side.

You're welcome, Hannah. Best on your project!


Mar 17, 2022
Shape shoulder
by: Hannah

Do I start with a new row when I cast the beg row off

Thanks for replying

Mar 17, 2022
shoulder shaping help
by: Ratchadawan


I'm assuming the circled numbers are referring to your size.

Here are steps to the more simple instruction for the shoulder shaping.

1. Cast off 14 sts at beg of the next row.
2. Cast off 14 sts at beg of the next row.
3. Cast off 13 sts at beg of the next row.
4. Cast off 13 sts at beg of the next row.
place remaining 30 sts on a holder.

Thanks for the question,


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