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Stitch Question - Knitting Pattern

by Karen

Winkin Blinkin & Nod baby afghans by Bernat

Style No. 2637-258

pattern says to K15, *P4, K, P in wrap yarn around.

K = what? if it's K1 it says to K1. So what is just K?


Hi Karen,

This pattern doesn't make any sense to me either. There is no way to know how many sts to knit and how many sts to purl.

Can you send me the pattern. You can scan or take a photo of your pattern and upload it to your submission form. I'd like to read through the whole pattern. Maybe, I'll have a better idea then. I'm sorry I can't help you at the moment.


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Feb 10, 2018
Baby blanket
by: Cherryl

Trying to send entire pattern to you for help but to no avail. It’s a beautiful baby blanket style 2637-258 From the catalog Winkin Blinkin &Nod


Hi Cherryl,

I tried to find it but I couldn't see it anywhere. So sorry. Maybe it will show up sometimes in the future.


Feb 19, 2012
Thank you for the video
by: Karen

Mom (Karen) wants to thank you so much for taking all this time to help. We took a look at the video, but she is taking a break right now.

This will be a great help!!!

Your very welcome!


Feb 19, 2012
by: Ratcha

Here is a video I made for you. Hope you can understand it. I didn't quite have time to edit it because I wanted to get it to you fast.

Feb 18, 2012
Problem with wrapped yarn being too tight
by: Karen

I think it's gonna work but think I did something wrong on row 9 with the wrap around stitches, cuz I can't get the needle in them, they are too tight. Is it possible to wrap around the wrong direction or wrap around too tight in ROW 9?

Hi Karen,

I don't think it matters which way you wrap.
You shouldn't have any problem with k1, p1 on the wrap twice. The wrap twice may look tight, but we can knit off to the side without having to insert needle right into the stitch. Once you slip that first knitted stitch off you can do the p 1, on the second wrap easily.

I'm planning on making video so that you can compare mine to yours.

Don't do anything yet, tomorrow I will try to put together a video and post it here. So you can compare mine to yours. Hang in there and please check back tomorrow.


Feb 18, 2012
Will give your suggestion a try
by: Karen

Thank you, Karen will give this a try!

Hi Karen,

When I knitted row 9, I wrapped the yarn twice (counter clockwise) and it seemed to work fine.


Feb 18, 2012
I'll give you the entire row
by: Karen

If you emailed me I'll send you the photo and pattern. I'm not sure how to submit them to you otherwise.

ROW 10: K 15, *P4, K, P in wrap yarn around needle twice, P1, K, P in wrap yarn around needle twice, P3, repeat from * to last 16 sts, P1, K 15.

Thank you Karen. I got both photo and pattern this morning. It help to see how the pattern written. I knitted a little sample and when I got to row 9, I understood what the instruction on row 10 meant.

Let's do this: On row 10:K 15, *P4, k 1, p1 and ignore what's inside the parenthesis- just skip it.(K, P in wrap yarn around needle twice), P1, k1,p1 and skip the parenthesis again(K, P in wrap yarn around needle twice), P3, repeat from * to last 16 sts, P1, K 15.

The simpler pattern of row 10 should be like this;

K 15, *P4, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 4, repeat from * to last 16 sts, P1, K 15.

I hope this helps.


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