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Struggling how to read parts of this pattern


I am attempting to knit a baby cardigan but I have come across parts of the pattern which I just do not understand. I have googled it to death but I can't seem to find an answer so I am hoping you can help.
I have attached a picture of the parts that are confusing me. Basically, just after it says change to 4mm needles, I have managed to do the 1st and 2nd rows but then from the sentence " 1st and 2nd rows set position of texture and cable panel" I am stuck.
I have also attached a picture of the texture pattern and cable panel instructions incase you need to see them.
I really hope you can understand it better than me!

many thanks


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May 17, 2020
Still need help
by: Ratchadawan

Let's see. I thought you were at he back part but you've moved on to a front panel. Sorry for the wrong part of the advice.

The part that you get confused is easy to get confused. They're many parts you have to keep track.
1. Cable panel
2. Texture panel
3. Increasing rows

At least the cable and texture start and end at the same row. Now, you have to keep track of when to increase.

Don't get to overwhelm, look at the picture of the cardigan for help. Basically, you just want to keep the last 10 sts of the cable panel in place. It might be a big help to place a stitch marker just before the last 10 st. This will help identify when to increase (m1) as well.

You've got 2 rows set up done. This set up is for location of cable panel and texture panel. You still have to work the rest of other rows of both patterns.

Here are my summary of the shape front edge.

Row 1 and 2: you've done them.

Row 3: work texture pattern row 3 to last 10 st, (place marker here), m1, work cable panel row 3.

Row 4: work cable panel row 4, slip marker, work texture pattern row 4 to end.

Row 5: work texture pattern row 5 to last 10 st, slip marker, work cable panel row 5.

Row 6: work cable panel row 6, slip marker, work texture Patt row 6 to end.

The work will be pretty much the same as above 6 rows from now on, except you'll need to increase or M1 on every 4th row (the first 3rd row decrease was already done on row 3). So, on the next row you will look like this;

Row 7: work texture pattern row 1 to last 10 st, M1, slip marker, work cable panel row 5. (This is the first 4th following row increase. The next increase will be on row 11, then 15, 19, 23, 27 and so forth, until you have 32 row as the pattern states.

Row 8: work cable row 1, slip marker, work texture Patt to end.

Keep going like this and don't forget to m1 as directed. It's a handful but I know you can manage this.

I hope this is the answer you're looking for. I hope I don't confuse you even more.


May 17, 2020
Still need help!
by: Anonymous

Thanks, but the cardigan pattern is cable too. It says keeping continuity of past as set throughout and commencing with third row of texture pattern and cable panel. Do I follow the pattern from third to last (6th) and start the from the first once finished that? Its confusing because the instructions just say 1st and 2nd rows.
Thanks :)

May 15, 2020
Struggling how to read parts of this pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Leanne,

Okay, the instruction wants you to work on this texture pattern for 36 rows (I think that what your size is, if it's not then you can adjust it to your size). You've got 2 rows done. So now you can go ahead and continue with the rest of the 6 rows pattern. When you complete all the 6 rows, you go back to row 1 again. You keep repeating them until you reach the total number of rows you need. In this case, 36 for your size. You'll need to repeat the texture pattern for 6 times before you start armhole shaping.

You can rewrite the texture pattern as below to see it better;

Row 1: knit
Row 2: purl
Row 3: knit
Row 4: purl
Row 5: knit
Row 6: knit

Repeat row 1-6.

Thank you for your question. I hope this help clarify your question.

Have a great day!


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