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Stuck on a pattern Numbers do not add up

showing bind off 6 sts in the middle of a row

showing bind off 6 sts in the middle of a row

Hi, I am knitting a dress for a Barbie doll. I am only able to knit to row 5 because Row 6 doesn't add up and i am left with 10 unworked stitches on my needle.

Row 5: K6, (k2tog 5 times), K11, (k2tog 5 times), K7 (34sts)

However, ROW 6: K3, p3, cast off 6sts, p9, cast off 6sts, p2, k3 (22sts)

Logically if you subtract 12 sts from 34 you would end up with 22. My issue is when read the pattern Row 6 is only working with 32sts. So right there two sts are missing. Then, 3+3+9+2+3 = 20. what am i doing wrong that i end up with 10 stitches still on my needle to be worked?

Any help is appreciated. thank you

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Mar 21, 2021
Stuck on a pattern Numbers do not add up
by: Ratchadawan


You're right, this doesn't make sense. You did nothing wrong. The pattern is wrong on row 6. You're left with 2 extra stitches on that row.

What is the next row says? If the pattern is going to continue with 20 sts, then I think you could reduce 2 sts by binding off 7 sts twice instead of 6 sts twice.

The author could miss count during the bind off, I don't know what happened there.

Thanks for sharing this problem.


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