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Surprise eyelet

by Purnee Brandvold
(Browning Mt)

Consists of 6 row pattern repeats. First 5 rows to Pattern are simple eyelet rows.??

Row 6: P3, Slip next st knit wise, k1, leaving st on left needle, pass sl st over knit stitch just made and off right needle, k2tog using st kept on left needle and following st *repeat

Pattern is a Design by Margret Willson shown in Love of Knitting and the item is called “Shades of Summer Mobius”

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Apr 18, 2020
surprise eyelet
by: Ratchadawan

It's confusing to me too! Is it possible that this could be a typo? It seems to me that this is a skp stitch which you usually leave a knit stitch on the right needle. I tried to search for a pattern for this scarf but I couldn't find it. I only saw a picture of it. I wonder if ravelry has a community that talks about this. You could try check it out a raverly to see what other knitters are saying.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be much of a help.


Apr 17, 2020
Surprise Eyelet
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much for your comment.
I should have been more clear.

My problem is I don’t know how to do what the instructions say to do in row 6. How do you Slip st knit wise, k1, leaving st on left needle, pass sl st over knit st just made off right needle - these instructions are really confusing to me, How do I do this?

I really like the picture of this Mobius scarf and would love to make it if I could just figure out how to knit row 6.

Any advise?

Apr 17, 2020
Surprise eyelet
by: Ratchadawan

What is your question?
Is it the simple eyelet rows?

I don't know what her simple eyelet rows look like. I can make up my own simple eyelet pattern but that might not be the same as her.

If you want to try my version then you can use the following 4 row repeat eyelet pattern. You just have to add one more row to it.

Here is my eyelet pattern;Row 1: K1, *yf, skpo; repeat from * to end of row.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: *skpo, yf; repeat from * to last stitch, k1. (Make sure to count your stitch at this point. If you're missing one stitch then it's more likely that you forget to do the last yf before the final k1.)
Row 4: Purl.

yf = yarn to front of work or yarn forward
skp or skpo = slip, knit, passo


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