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Taking Increased Stitches Into Pattern (Increases Every 4th Row)

by Marg Gillespie
(Red Deer Alberta Canada)


I am having trouble following a pattern when there are increases at each end of 4th row in a 8 row pattern every second row is a purl row, starting off with 47 stitches pattern i.e.

Row 1 is K4 (yfd SL1K, K1, psso, K2 5 times, k1 (K2tog, yfd, k2 5 times k2.
Row 2 is a purl row,
Row 3 is k1 yfwd sl1k, k1 psso k2 5 times yfwd sl1k, k1, psso k1 (k2og yfwd k2 5 times (k2og yfwd 1 k1. Help!



Hi Marg,

I think you mean to you use ) for the second and forth brackets.

It's very helpful to have increase rows on the purl side since you don't have to worry about working the complicated pattern as the right side.

What you need to do is start marking the increase row (4, 8, 12, 16...) with a pencil. Just jot a dot, a star, a checkmark or any mark to remind yourself when to do the increases.

For example: I marked my 4th rows with stars below.

Row 1 (RS): K4 (yfd SL1K, K1, psso, K2 5 times, k1)
K2tog, yfd, k2 5 times k2.
Row 2 Purl.
Row 3: K1 yfwd sl1k, k1 psso k2 5 times yfwd sl1k, k1,
psso k1 (k2og yfwd k2 5 times) k2og yfwd 1 k1 help
**Row 4:Purl.
Row 5 (RS): K5 (yfd SL1K, K1, psso, K2 5 times, k1)
K2tog, yfd, k2 5 times k3.
Row 6 Purl.
Row 7: K1 yfwd sl1k, k1 psso k2 5 times yfwd sl1k, k1,
psso k1 (k2og yfwd k2 5 times) k2og yfwd 1 k1 help
**Row 8:Purl.

You can knit the odd rows just as the pattern instructed. Don't worry about increasing anything. Once you get to row 4 and every 4th row after, you make 2 extra purl sts - one at the beginning and one at the end. Although, I prefer to increase mine at the second sts to the end because it make my piece look smoother at the edges.

Be careful when marking and don't get carry away. Check to see how many times you have to do the increases.

I hope this help and wish you the best.


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Jun 26, 2018
How to take increase sts into pattern
by: Anonymous

Thank you

Jun 26, 2018
4th row increase
by: Ratchadawan

You just increase one st at the end of the row. So you would end up with K2, M1 (make one increase), k1.


Jun 25, 2018
How to take increase sts into pattern
by: Usha

The 4th row is:
K2, K2, yfwd,sl 1,k1, psso,K2 3 times, K2, Inc in last st

As I am increasing the 3 times is extended and then do I just increase the sts at the end or more?
Thank you Usha

Jun 24, 2018
How to take increased sts into pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Yes, you're correct. You keep working your normal pattern until you reach every 4th row (e.g. 4th, 8th, 12th row, ect) then you do increase on that row.


Jun 20, 2018
How to take increase sts into pattern
by: Anonymous

Can you pls help by saying take increased stitches into pattern does that mean carry on with the pattern on the 4th row as normal but incorporating the increased sts into the pattern?

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